Saturday, September 15, 2007

His Promises Are Sure

When you, or someone close to you, has been diagnosed with cancer -- you may feel a need to reach out beyond yourselves for hope, and reassurance.

For my wife and I, that means reaching toward the Lord for the strength that we need in a time of trial.

Last night, we went to the temple. It was our first visit there since Dawn Ann’s diagnosis of Breast Cancer. As a result, perhaps our feelings and emotions were a little closer to the surface than usual.

During our sealing session, we were called to the altar first. Dawn Ann and I looked at each other across the altar, as we did for the first time at a similar altar nearly 16 years ago. As the ceremony, which binds a couple together for time, and for all eternity, was pronounced, tears came to Dawn Ann’s eyes. Just a few tears at first, then many more later. The officiator who was performing the ordinance handed us a box of Kleenexes so she could wipe her eyes.

As for me, I looked into those eyes, which I have loved for the last 16 years. She always looks so beautiful in white. I am so grateful for her. For the love she has brought to me. The children she has brought into this world. And all she does for us to provide a home for our family.

As I looked at the tears coming from her eyes, I thought I perceived what she might be feeling, and why the tears. Later, I confirmed with her that what I had perceived was correct. As Dawn Ann heard the blessings and promises of eternal marriage pronounced once again, she felt a peace and assurance from the Spirit of the Lord that no matter what happens in this life, the Lord's promises to us are sure. That she and I will be together eternally.

This was what brought tears to her eyes. The witness of the Spirit that despite the challenges we are currently facing, the diagnosis of breast cancer, that she can be assured that all will be well – no matter what happens.

My turn would come a few minutes later, as the ordinance worker gave a few words of counsel to the group of those in attendance.

He counseled that the Lord wants each of us to return and enjoy eternal life with him. He counseled that the Lord will leave no stone unturned to make this happen. He paraphrased this scripture:

“ . . . For I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.” (D&C 84:88)

He then counseled that the blessings of eternal life will come through our faithfulness. Then he explained what that means.

He explained that our faithfulness doesn’t mean that we have to be perfect right here, and right now. What it does mean, however, is that we should continually try to become better people little by little. Not in huge spurts, not mile by mile, but inch by inch.

The goal should be to examine ourselves a few months from now, and to be able to see how we have become a little bit better than we were before. We should always be making that comparison with ourselves over a period of time, never in comparing ourselves against others.

There may be other people, great people, whom we admire, and may even try to emulate. We should not be comparing ourselves with them. Normally we only see them when they are at their best. They are human too. We just don’t generally see them in their weak moments.

As the officiator spoke his words of counsel, I found tears coming to my own eyes this time. As he paraphrased the scripture, I felt that we do not have to face this breast cancer alone. That He will go before us, that He will be on our right side, and on our left, and that His angels will be round about us. He will be there for us. He will not desert us.

The words from the fourth verse of “I am a child of God” best describe my feelings:

I am a child of God.
His promises are sure;
Celestial glory shall be mine
If I can but endure.

All will be well. We have placed our trust in him, and I know we can pass through this trial – no matter what.

If you too, find yourself struggling against breast cancer. Remember, that you are not alone. Trust in the Lord. Go to Him. Pray to Him. And find His peace.

For I know -- His Promises are sure.

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